
I am the eyes inside of you...

So.  This is a nice short blog post just to tell you all sorts of nothingness and so that the last post doesn't sit long enough that people start to think it through too much.  Today I went to the varsity basketball games, which were good.  Both the girls and boys dominated, which is fun.  I think it will be a good season.  I also amazingly caught one of the t-shirts that the cheerleaders throw for 3 pointers.  I never catch anything, so this is a big deal.  I'm wearing it right now, because it makes a nice pajama top.  Work was fine, I basically just did random things.  I think the website is really truly almost done.  I need to redesign this form thing for Gabe before I forget about it.  I think I'll try and do that now.



Hans said...

Apparently, I almost caught one of the drumsticks at the Anberlin concert. I had absolutely no idea, and, truthfully, wasn't even reaching for it.

Catching something is quite impressive.

Anonymous said...

You are going to be 17 in 30 days.

*heart attack*

Cin said...

And Lara left a cute comment on Muse. *giggle*

That girl is supercute.