
The sky is falling and no one knows...

Iowa lost.  Not only did Iowa lose, but Iowa lost to Iowa State.  That's sad.

Well, despite the fact that we lost I still had a great time at the party.  It was awesome.  We had a ton of food, too.  I love food.

I dyed my hair again.  Now it's dark reddish brown.  It's never been this dark before.  So far people really like it though.  I like it.  I think it's a keeper.

I'm listening to Lifehouse.  I really like them.  I would really like to get their two newest CDs.  But!  I'm broke.  And there are a lot of CDs that I would like more than that.

Next weekend is the SMT retreat.  I'm really excited about that.  So are most of the girls.  I don't know what the boys think about it, but I think it'll be really awesome.  We're staying across from Jordan Creek Mall, so at some point we get shopping time, so all the girls are going to go try on dresses.  I like to shop, so that'll be fun for me at least. *laugh*  Kristin and I can shop, if no one else.  The teaching sounds really neat, too.  I'm really excited about that.  The whole thing should just be awesome.

Alright.  Places to go, people to see.  Later.

Mara Tenille


Anonymous said...

Yes, the Hawks lost, it was depressing. But, oh well.

I think the SMT retreat will be awesome, I'm glad everyone is coming to watch us play. Gabe's pretty pumped about the teaching which means its going to be really good, I'm looking forward to that.

Hans said...

I was grieved, but in an off-hand sort of way, not from any particular attachment to Iowa.

I did not have lots of food. I had an overpriced appetizer at Damon's through which I had to rush after getting lost on the way there, and ending up with motor oil splattered on my windshield. Still, one can hardly have a bad time watching college football.

Not being participatory in SMT, I can only say that I'm glad you lot expect to have fun. *bow*