
Would you believe me if I said I'm tired of this...

School was stupid today. Did fine on my Algebra quiz, sucked on my Geometry quiz, did absolutely nothing during Dig Comm, starting filling out my study guide for science and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, had to do twice as much Brit Lit because the curriculum is on a 5-day schedule, and God forbid you miss a day, because then it takes two billion hours to read instead of just one billion due to the fact that you have to read twice as much and answer twice as many questions about the reading . Not to mention I can't retain any information I read, so then when I have to answer questions about it I don't even remember what they're talking about. Gosh, I feel like a complete idiot.

It is taking ages to rip this CD to my computer.

Well, on the bright side of things, my clothes that I need to pack are dry, The Sun and The Moon is on, my hair is still pink fuschia, I have a four pack of Jones Energy sitting around, and we leave for LifeLight tomorrow. Sure, it's Thursday night and still no one knows what we're going to eat the entire time, and still no one understands that we're trying to avoid going to food vendors, and still I have nothing packed, and still I have no money to pay for the food that I also don't have to eat for the next four days, and still we're missing all of the Friday night acts, but we're going.


It's not really that bad. I'm just in a crappy mood. I hate stress and feeling like an idiot. That's basically all. *shrug* No big deal.

I need to pack.

Mara Tenille



Hans said...

I totally didn't stay on the perfect schedule for Brit Lit, and I think I did the same curriculum as you're doing.

Of course, I also spent afternoons hunched up in cramped positions over reading material for hours on end.

The questions are inscrutable. Really, they are.

We don't get pictures of the pink hair?

Well, all the things you said in that final paragraph coupled with your description of LifeLight at other times and sundry places make it seem almost impossible that you shan't have a tremendous time.
