
Is it over now, it isn't over now...

I still miss the New Orleans people. But we're going to make them jealous with all the awesome spring breaky plans we're making.

Today = Gabby Time. That means Pastor Gabe and all the girls are going to watch a movie.

Tomorrow = Band practice minus Andrew. We're going to write songs.

Wednesday = Party at Kacy's house. Food, people, a Wii, and four controllers. Yeah. Rock on.

Thursday = Nothing yet.

Friday = Nothing yet.

Saturday = Nothing yet.

Sunday = THEY'RE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Yep. That's my week.



Hans said...

Indeed, you shall!

Excellent, what movie?

Are you going to write a song about loneliness? ;)


I should visit you for those four days, and leave when they come home.