
I am made from the wires of my synthesizer

Joy Electric is amazing.

I sing How To Save A Life in the key of E. I transposed it yesterday. I think we're going to do an acoustic cover of it so I'll see if someone can record it.

I agree that people tend to want to listen to what other people are listening to. But every once in a while there comes along a song that everyone loves and that is just really good. It's funny how everyone's musical taste seems to kind of unite and everyone loves the same thing at the same time, and then once it gets old they continue loving whatever they loved before, and then a new phenomenon comes along and everyone is happy.

I think people like to identify with a song. They like to feel the emotion that gets written into a song in a profound way that they can relate to. They want a song to make them feel understood. One of the things that I love about music is that it reminds me that I'm not alone in what I feel. I think everyone wants to feel known.

I like lots of songs that have lame lyrics and a good sound or a lame sound and good lyrics. Like Stellar Kart. They make me happy and I like the simplicity and the lack of effort it takes to know what they're talking about, but really, their lyrics kind of suck sometimes. In their defense, I think Hawk Nelson is worse, but still.

I like songs with a good sound. I adore a good melody. Give me a song with a strong melody line and a latte and I'm good for hours.

Yeah. Anyway. I need to go to bed.




Hans said...

I think that relating to a song is a huge part of it, but it's also when the song is so well-put together that it makes an intellectual as well as emotional impression.

There are songs with lyrics I don't understand at all that I still like, because of how beautifully the lyrics are done, and songs with amazing lyrics, with which I try to overlook the fact that the music isn't entertaining.

And, regarding Stellar Kart: We all have our indulgences.

Adri said...

I guess I should of read this post before commenting on the other. *head bang*

I still have not gotten what it is that people love about Hawk Nelson. They don't stand out for me. *shrug*

You know the chorus for me is really really important. If I don't like the chorus I rarely like the song in general, that being said not all songs have chorus' so I can change my mind because ..I can! *brilliant*