
I celebrate the day that you were born to die

There is lots to do for the Christmas party that the band is playing at. We need a sound system, a set list, a salvation message, and probably more stuff. It's kind of stressful.

I'm at school being bored.

What are everyone's favorite worship songs?



Hans said...

That is stressful. *prayer warrior*

Did I ever tell you about that? I feel a strange kinship with your band. Something about teenagers in bands, I suppose.

My favorite worship songs? Ooh. That's tough. Probably "Emmanuel (God With Us)", "Awesome God", "Days of Elijah" and "There Is A Redeemer."

Older stuff, mostly. My band did a crazily awesome rendition of "Days Of Elijah" once in practice.

Ryan said...

"And Can It Be That I Should Gain" - older hymn

"Before There Was Time" - Caedmon's Call - newer song

Adri said...

"There is a Balm in Gilead"
"Sometimes I feel discouraged and think my work's in vain, But then the Holy Spirit re-vives my soul a-gain."

"There is a Redeemer"- Melody Green.